Follow A Field

Alan Wood

Alan Wood

London, ON | Soybeans
Follow along as Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean grower Alan Wood harvests his soybean crop.
Alan Wood's map location in South Western Ontario

Wood Farm

Farm Details

Soil Type
Brookston Clay Loam
Adjacent Crops
​Corn & Wheat
Row Spacing
15 inches
Crop Rotation
Corn / Soybeans / Wheat
Weed Pressure
Fleabane, Velvet leaf, Smartweed, Annual and Perennial Sowthistle, Field Bindweed and Horsetail
Irrigation & Tillage
​Not irrigated No tillage for soybeans and wheat. Corn is striptilled.
Alan Wood with Windmeter

We're excited to use this new technology.

Alan Wood

London, ON | Soybeans